Osteopathy is a whole body approach to dealing with muscular and skeletal conditions such as pain, stiffness and chronic injuries. Treatment includes osteopathic massage, stretching, joint mobilisations and joint adjustments (clicking the joints).
Sports Massage
Not just for “sporty people”, sports massage is suitable for everyone. Sports massage is essentially deep tissue massage but the practitioner has a greater knowledge of sports related injuries.
Podiatry (Chiropody)
Podiatry deals with the feet and many common conditions associated with the feet such as; corns, calluses, verrucas and ingrowing toenails.
Functional Medicine
Functional medicine is a process of exploring what’s causing your symptoms and helping you to improve your health. Laboratory testing is often used to investigate the causes of your problems in more detail. Treatment involves making improvements to your nutrition, sleep, stress, digestion and exercise habits.
Personal Training
Personal Training helps individuals improve their strength and achieve changes in their body shape through exercise and education. We focus on teaching and educating our clients and not just making them do loads of exercise.