This is entirely dependent on what your original injury was and what the maintaining factors are.
For example, if you have poor posture at work which is causing you back pain, and you don’t do anything to change your posture, it most certainly will come back. Alternatively, if you have back pain caused by sitting poorly but you go to the gym to strengthen it up and use massage balls to loosen your back up and you do this inbetween treatment sessions, you will most certainly get better.
If once your pain has gone, you were to continue training and strengthening the area it will certainly help the prevent the pain coming back.
You pain returning will also depend on the circumstances they occured in. If your job or hobby/sport involves a certain movements such as being tackled in rugby, sewing for a costume maker, or lifting heavy objects on a building site, then you can almost expect recurrences to happen again, unless something is changed to prevent recurrence.
This may mean you need to adjust your work station height, find ways to make your lifting better, or improve your overall strength to protect the areas of pain.