Here’s What You Need To Know…
[Read more…] about How To Treat Eczema Naturally Using A Functional Medicine Approach
Injury and Health Specialists in Central and North London. Providing Osteopathy and Functional Medicine.
Call/Message Me- 07825 418481
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[Read more…] about How To Treat Eczema Naturally Using A Functional Medicine Approach
Today I want to get personal with you and tell you about something that I’ve suffered with all my life.
[Read more…] about My Embarrassing Skin Condition Ezcema
[Read more…] about Do You Suffer With Acid Reflux? Too Much Acid Is Not The Problem.
Our North Finchley based osteopath Ashley was featured on the Shredded Brainiac podcast and discusses injuries, the current state of our healthcare system as well as giving advice for anyone who wants to improve their health and fitness.
A while back a patient of mine stopped me as I was walking through the gym to ask me about his foot.
“Ash, I’ve hurt my foot”
“Ok, what have you done?” I replied.
“I twisted it stepping off an escalator… but then I went skiing and it seems to have gotten worse!”
So I asked to take a look, then and there on the gym floor, and so he took his shoe and sock off and showed me. [Read more…] about Osteopath Case Study: Metatarsal Foot Fracture
Health is one of those things that we often take for granted until it is no longer there.
The word health is a bit of an umbrella term and there is no specific way of obtaining it or maintaining it, mainly because it is as unique to us as our own fingerprints.
The classical definition of our optimal health according to the World Health Organisation is
“A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
I would suggest that health is not an all or nothing state where we either are or we aren’t healthy, but instead I would suggest health is something we are constantly trying to achieve and improve upon. [Read more…] about What Is Health and How Can You Be Healthy?
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